1’s & 2’s Complement Converter

Convert between decimal and 1’s or 2’s complement binary. For decimal → complement, specify bit length (e.g. 8, 16).

Conversion Output

No conversion yet. Enter data and click "Convert."

Learning Resources

Sample Problems

  • (010010101011111)2's => (?)10
  • (101010101000011)2's => (?)10
  • (010010101011111)1's => (?)10
  • (101010101000011)1's => (?)10

For these, pick "From=Binary (2’s comp)" or "From=Binary (1’s comp)" and "To=Decimal," paste the bits, then click "Convert."

Decimal ↔ Complement

Enter a decimal number (e.g. -23) then choose "To=Binary (2's comp)" or "To=Binary (1's comp)." Specify the bit length (8, 16, etc.) to see how negative values are stored.